Are Paint Colors Important When Selling a Home?

Are Paint Colors Important When Selling a Home? - Can choosing the right paint colors for your house really make a difference in how much money your home sells for?. Well, that's what we're talking about today and we are starting right now!. Hey everyone, welcome back to my blog. My name is Andrew I'm a full-time realtor right here in Monmouth County with RE/MAX Central and Monmouth County Dream Homes.
If you're interested in just about anything that has to do with real estate or Monmouth County. I post article every Monday and I cover all topics having to do as real estate and Monmouth County.
In this article, We're going to talk about choosing the right paint colors when you're getting ready to put your house on the market. Did you realize that depending on what color you choose to put on some of the walls in your home can drastically Influence the amount of money your house sells for? So let's take a look at the first thing most potential homebuyers take notice that when they're out and about searching for their new home.
The outside:
What color front door do you think could yield you as much as 2.9 percent of a higher sales price? Okay, how many of you said RED?
I know I absolutely did but you know what? Statistics are now showing a front door painted black or Charcoal gray can actually raise your sale price and bring you almost $6,200!
That's a lot of money for simply changing the color of your front door.
The Livingroom:
Okay, this next one, I absolutely got wrong what color do you think when painting your living room walls could actually bring up the price of your home by as much as 1.3 percent?. I know the color I would have picked isn't even one of the choices here.
A Living room painted with warm tan and pink undertones, we're actually calling this pinkish taupe could send a home price up as much as 1.3 percent more than any other color. Okay, come on how many of you actually have any rooms in your house painted a pinkish taupe? Here's a fun one.
The Bathroom:
What color bathroom is likely to bring up the sales price of your home?
Periwinkle blue
I didn't even really know that was a color. But they are now stating that putting this color in your bathroom could bring your sale price up by as much as 1.3 percent. Again that's still a nice amount of money for simply putting a coat of paint on one of the walls in your house and the bathrooms are usually the easiest and the smallest to paint anyway.
The Kitchen:
A tuxedo kitchen is what all statistics are pointing to. Dark cabinets and Islands with light wall colors can easily bring your sale price up as much as $1,500. You want to know a secret if you paint your kitchen brick or barn red your sales price could plummet as much as $2,500. I also thought this was some interesting information.
Also negatively affecting the sales price of a home brown dining room walls or yellow exterior. Getting your house ready to sell and to be put on the market is always a stressful time. I like to try to alleviate as much stress as I can when I'm working with my clients.
They get very very anxious about how much money they need to put into their house before they can put it on the market so they can get out of their house. Keep one thing in mind a fresh coat of paint is really the easiest and the most inexpensive way to spruce up your house and make it a little bit more warm and inviting.
I hope you found this little bit of information helpful when you're getting ready to pick paint colors to sell your new home. Thank you so much for reading, catch you on the next one
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