A Degree in Humanities Offers Solid and Wide-Ranging Career Opportunities

One of the most stressful parts of college for many students is the moment when they must decide on a major. Students feel obligated to choose a path of study that will lead them towards a successful career. Many students feel that instead of studying what they're passionate about, they're stuck in a major with only the end goal of a paycheck in mind.

Fortunately, students actually have the opportunity to learn about what they want while they're attending an online college. Online degrees in humanities provide students with a broad and well-rounded education. Believe it or not, humanities degrees actually provide students with the ability to follow a career path in a variety of different fields.

Many may wonder if it seems like an exaggeration to describe humanities as one of the most well-rounded majors to earn a degree in. An undergraduate degree will provide students with initiation into arts, literature, and culture from the past to the present day. A degree in humanities is one of the most flexible degrees anyone can major in.

Students attending an online school have several options when it comes to their humanities degree. They may choose to earn a degree that provides an overview of various disciplines in humanities. However, most students choose to focus on more specific fields of interest.

Many humanities degrees earned at schools online help students who know they have an interest in the arts build their foundational knowledge. Many students are passionate about art, but they can make their humanities degree focus on classical studies. A humanities degree with this direction helps students learn about Ancient Greek and Roman visual and performing arts, as well as literature and culture - all of which have thoroughly affected art and society through the ages.

Students who prefer to attend college for a more hands-on learning experience can focus their studies in humanities on visual or performing arts. Performing arts majors will learn about the theatre arts, from performance and production of shows to music theory and appreciation. Alternatively, a visual arts focus will allow students to participate in painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, and more 3D art like sculpture and ceramics.

Some students may have the passion and drive to study art but aren't necessarily interested in becoming artists. An online degree in humanities with a focus in art history can help prepare students for teaching or overseeing and caring for collections. An art history degree is also perfect for students who want to work in art galleries, or even eventually open their own galleries.

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